An Interview with American Stalls CEO Yash Balasaria
Even the greatest designer or architect will tell you that their design is only as good as the builders they team up with. We are constantly fascinated by how our trusted partners are able to transform our designs on paper into reality. One of our favorite partners, American Stalls, is a leader in the high-end equestrian stall fabricator market. I had the pleasure of sharing a meal with CEO Yash Balasaria, and got to pick his brain on his favorite projects, products and dream projects.
What is your favorite style of barn?
It is tough to say what is my favorite style of barn because there are so many beautiful barn structures. Options can range from a CMU block style to steel buildings to stunning timber frame construction. The sky is truly the limit regardless of the style of the barn. We’re fortunate to work with builders across the nation who build stunning structures that fit their clients’ style and geography.
If I had to be selfish though (i.e. building my own barn), I would a modern timber frame barn with an emphasis on vertical lines, glass, airflow, and bringing out the beauty of natural materials.
What is your favorite barn you’ve ever designed?
I truly don’t have a favorite barn project because each barn is so unique. It would be like comparing a Ferrari to a F1 Car. Like the car equivalent, each barn is unique and plays a particular role. That being said, I would say two projects come to mind that we finished in 2022.
The first project is a private barn in Texas. This was a private barn for a family who is in the steel building business. For this project, the family’s business manufactured the building itself and used their own contracting team. We then created incredibly unique Stall Fronts, Barn Doors, and other components for their western-styled barn.
The second project that comes into mind is our 58-stall renovation at Arroyo Del Mar. It was a unique project because of the charming California landscape and architecture. We came in and were able to truly transform the entire property with custom stall systems, barn doors, custom finished lighting, and other details. The result is a simple, functional, yet breathtaking equestrian facility.
What goes into consideration when selecting a stall door front?
Many things go into successfully designing a Stall Front. It all starts with the client – aka horse and the rider. We factor in the barn design, aisle widths, barn’s purpose (i.e. private hobby barn, breeding, training, large commercial facility, etc) , and much more to determine whether we need a hinged or sliding stall system.
Once we have that finalized, we want to understand the horse – the breed, the specific dispositions, and other factors. This will impact whether the stall needs to be designed with more containment in mind or if we can build it to be more “open.” Lastly, we work with our client – the rider – to understand their preferences around feeding, water, and also their stylistic needs. This allows to then dictate the design, fill options, and finishes. It can also lead to functional upgrades such as automatic waterer systems, feed doors, integrated water lines, and much more.
This then leaves us with an end result – a stall front that is elegant, functional, and built to seamlessly serve our client for years to come.
What’s your favorite type of flooring to use in the stall aisles?
Hands down, our rubber pavers are my favorite flooring for aisles. There are other alternatives such as keeping it just concrete, placing interlocking mats in the aisles, and even stone-based aisles for more “traditional” looks.
However, no other flooring option comes close to the benefits delivered from rubber pavers. They provide ample cushioning for improved comfort as you spend time on your feet – both you and your horses. Pavers also provide improved traction in wet conditions. Lastly, they allow for a much quieter barn. Often overlooked, but concrete or stone aisles are loud. In contrast, pavers help with the barn’s acoustics to make for a more relaxing environment for the rider and horse.
What is your dream project?
Like questions one and two, I really don’t have a singular dream project. We are privileged to work with thoughtful clients, but also the very best builders and architects. Each project is unique and exciting – whether it is a timber frame barn in Montana, a CMU block barn in Hawaii, or a post-frame barn in Virginia.
Our team and I truly believe we are living the dream – whether it designing a 6-stall private barn in Rancho Santa Fe, California or a 30-stall training barn in Wellington, Florida. Each projects provides us with an opportunity to share our holistic design and manufacturing mindset to equestrians.
Is there anything new and exciting coming from American Stalls?
Although we’ve been in the industry since 2005, I like to think of our brand as truly 3 years old. In 2020, we truly transformed our brand approach and our manufacturing focus. Because of that, we’re consistently implementing new improvements.
For example, we recently changed our latch design to stainless steel for our European Stall Fronts and our feed doors. Upcoming, we have more manufacturing upgrades coming that will allow us to build even more creative designs that are not seen in the industry. We are also working on more and more designs that decrease the need for welding – allowing for a stronger, more durable product.
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